Wednesday 28 July 2010

'The Absurd Egg' by Jonah Freeland

His son inevitably became a man of leisure but was also a deep thinker, and extremely widely read. He was a mathemetician, logician and philosopher. He studied regression, self similarity, set theory and strange geometry. He considered the implications of an egg which contained infinite eggs, and then considered who was considering the implication, and then considered who was considering the considering. This made his head hurt so he decided to sit down and eat an egg. After much thought he developed a Theory of Regressive Eggs, which made an attempt to explain the strange phenomena. However, it was an esoteric manuscript and scholars only read the abstract. With age, he became wiser and learnt not to worry himself over such inconceivable concepts and instead delighted in the concrete and enjoyed his time spent in the kitchen creating delectable new egg recipes. When he thought he didn't have long left he gave the egg and notes to his son, but decided to chuck his manuscript in the bin.

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